21 Jun 2015

Waiting for Gianni...

Garlic for sale in Trapani
We had a few days to kill before Gianni, the mechanic, could start work on the boat which gave us the opportunity to get to know Trapani. It was nice being back in Italy. It's funny how you start to miss ham, bacon, sausages etc. when you can't get them. It was also lovely to have a normal tasting pizza at last - the Tunisian versions never tasted quite right. As well as enjoying the shops we had a good wander round Trapani old town with its grand baroque churches and piazzas.

Trapani old town


Chiesa Madre, Erice
One of my father's favourite places in Italy was the nearby medieval hill top town of Erice and it has been on our "to do" list for some time. We made an early start and hopped on a bus for the 40 minute hair raising ride to the dramatic town perched 750 mts above the sea. We walked along the city walls and through the lush park to the Norman Castle of Venus. The panoramic views were amazing but we couldn't quite see over to Tunisia due to the haze. We spent the rest of the morning wandering through the narrow stone streets of the small quiet town. We had the place more or less to ourselves without a cloud in the sky but by the time we left on the midday bus coachloads of tourists were arriving along with swirling cloud.

View down to Trapani harbour from Erice

                                                      Cobbled streets of Erice

Piazza Umberto I, Erice

                                            Torre di Re Federico Secondo, Erice

Erice shop
Back in the boatyard Gianni finally turned up to embark on the awkward job of removing and replacing the exhaust hose. Not a difficult job as such but one requiring a double jointed contortionist. Boat Service Trapani proved to be a good find and we would definitely recommend their services. Finally with no leaks we could move on again. Of course the weather gods weren't helping us now so we moved out of the yard and back to the harbour anchorage to wait for a favourable wind to help us on our way north.

Torri del Balio, Erice

1 comment:

  1. Love the cobbled streets of Erice, what an interesting looking place.
